Hi guys, remember me? It's EnerG here again. I'll be your commentator for today since I last commentated for Nuffnang Pajama Party in March. This suppose post suppose to be written last month but Simon is just too busy going to event after event such as Hennessy Artistry, MDG Finale, and most recently Nokia IAC. So, here I am to take you to a simple tour of Cat Got Your Tongue that was held last month. Thanks to RudyFairyFest.

Me with Elif Phant

Simon with Rudy

Thomas brought his pretty friend Queen Zee

Met some old and new friends

Amy, Ms. Mushroom, Simon and I

Luxury furniture in Heritage Mansion. Cinderella was being played on the LCD TV on the wall the whole night.

The winner giving her speech. Simon participated too, he lost and have to drink a shot of Tequila. Maybe he purposely lose.

Alas, Simon going home with Ms. Mushroom and Froggy.
Just got invitation to Cat Got Your Tongue 2 yesterday. If you miss the first one, now it's your chance to join in the fun. Faster put in your RSVP now. Don't know whether Simon is bringing me there again or not?
hahhaha GO ENERG!!
Poor Simon!!! have to jaga their belongings...hahaha...
"I want booze. Give me booze."
ROFL! Is EnerG an alcoholic now?
So kewt.. not everyday u see a full grown man still enjoying his stuffed toy
fuiyoh.. so busy going for events huh... :p
this looks fun yeah! so many . . . ..
hey, i got the mama moo
i bought for my bf. is inside his car~
anyways everyone brought so much toys
wah...so many leng lui wor...next time bring me along la..hehe :)
the mushroom is so cute ! ^_^
Hi guys, EnerG here.
joshua: EnerG ftw!
monica: yes, simon is too nice
kenny mah: burp.. what did you say?
aronil: yeah, last time I saw it was in Nuffnang Pajama party.
michael: blek :P
sunny: so many what??
jan: everyone just brought one each
ekeng: sure sure, I'll try to ask Simon
ling: I think I'm cuter :P
Wah... so happening leh. Why no ppl in pajamas?
how come enerG and simon gets to go to all cool happening events :S
jason: this is not pajamas party mah -_-
kuan: coz EnerG and Simon got time and like so seek out free event.
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