Again thanks to Nuffnang and Hennessy VSOP, I got invited to the 4th Hennessy Artistry for me this year alone. This time the event is held in Orange Club, KL. Featuring Shayne Ward, Until June and The Dey. Honestly I have not idea who were they because when I go to club I just groove to the music and not the performer or the DJ :p and as in Hennessy Artistry, I go there for free booze and to camwhore with hot girls and cool guys there.
This time I wore blue Hawaiian shirt instead the normal red long sleeves shirt that I wore here, here, and here. KY even asked why am I not wearing that shirt. Ok long story short, time to introduce the girls I met there. Ginny, always see her in most events I went too.

Fireangel still burning hot.

Miss Wong Wenqi that went home very early that night.

Olivia that I've met a few times already. It's fun to see familiar faces in event like this.

Amanda's friend Rachel Haw. LOL.

Adeline aka Babychyu and I didn't curl my hair. It's naturally curled when my hair is long.

This is Kwen, she's Adeline's friend from the Pepsi ads shoot in that has Louis Koo in it. Read more about it here.

Joyce was not there (very unusual, too many drinks yesterday in Clef & Cloth) so I took pic with her brother Nicholas. LOL.
Last but not least, the hottest girl or girls. Whatever.
That's about the girls I met that night. That's maybe only less than 10% of them lol. You guys want to see the cool guys I met? Maybe tomorrow.