On the way to my sister's place, we took the MRT from Changi to Simei. We need to take a bus from Simei in order to reach my sister place. While my sister went to fetch my niece and nephew from their kindergarten, she bought me a latte from Grasso Coffee and asked me to wait there.
Grasso Coffee is your local coffee shop with a twist. They serve your local Nanyang kopi and gourmet coffee. I asked one of the co-owner are they using Italian coffee bean for my latte (because Grasso is an Italian name), he told me that their coffee bean is from Australia which is milder than Italian to cater for the local taste bud.
True enough, once I took sip of my latte it's not as bitter as the coffee I made in my office, which uses Segafredo coffee bean. Grasso is mostly cater for on-the-go customers, there's only one table there or you can choose to sit at the counter. Pricing wise is quite affordable. My latte cost SGD$3.30 (about Starbucks' tall size).
Grasso is your friendly neighborhood cafe, student gets 10% discount and they are very friendly and know most of their customers.
There's light snack available too, very good for those that needs a quick lunch or light tea time. My niece seems to like their Ham and Cheese Crossaint very much.
Old school on one side.
Modern coffee machine on the other.
According to the co-owner, Anthony, what's the meaning of Grasso. He told me that it means fat man in Italian and the logo is based on one of his partner that is a quite stout.
To help lessen the stress on the environment, customer is encouraged to reuse the paper sleeve by giving rebate on the next coffee if the same sleeve is reused.
If you happened to be at Eastpoint Mall, then you can come a try out the coffee from Grasso which is just in the row of shops next to the mall. I will say that it taste as good as Starbucks if not better.

Grasso Coffee
Blk 248 Simei Street 3
#01-132 S(520248)
Email: GrassoCoffee[at]gmail[dot]com
Facebook Page: Grasso Coffee FB

Grasso Coffee is your local coffee shop with a twist. They serve your local Nanyang kopi and gourmet coffee. I asked one of the co-owner are they using Italian coffee bean for my latte (because Grasso is an Italian name), he told me that their coffee bean is from Australia which is milder than Italian to cater for the local taste bud.
True enough, once I took sip of my latte it's not as bitter as the coffee I made in my office, which uses Segafredo coffee bean. Grasso is mostly cater for on-the-go customers, there's only one table there or you can choose to sit at the counter. Pricing wise is quite affordable. My latte cost SGD$3.30 (about Starbucks' tall size).
Grasso is your friendly neighborhood cafe, student gets 10% discount and they are very friendly and know most of their customers.
There's light snack available too, very good for those that needs a quick lunch or light tea time. My niece seems to like their Ham and Cheese Crossaint very much.
Old school on one side.
Modern coffee machine on the other.
According to the co-owner, Anthony, what's the meaning of Grasso. He told me that it means fat man in Italian and the logo is based on one of his partner that is a quite stout.
To help lessen the stress on the environment, customer is encouraged to reuse the paper sleeve by giving rebate on the next coffee if the same sleeve is reused.
If you happened to be at Eastpoint Mall, then you can come a try out the coffee from Grasso which is just in the row of shops next to the mall. I will say that it taste as good as Starbucks if not better.
Grasso Coffee
Blk 248 Simei Street 3
#01-132 S(520248)
Email: GrassoCoffee[at]gmail[dot]com
Facebook Page: Grasso Coffee FB