Last Wednesday I was invited by Nuffnang to a feedback session for Alliance Bank soon to be launch credit card package call You:nique. The venue is HQNine in Plaza TTDI.

I saw Nicholas and Robb from afar.
I registered at the entrance, some self introduction and got a nice goodies bag from Alliance Bank. It consists of a Notebook PC bag, and an Alliance Nano Bear (air purifier that doesn't use fragrance but nanotechnology to absorb the stinky air and it's now sitting in my car)

This session is somewhat also a small bloggers gathering, met a few prominent bloggers there. This is the first time I meet Huai Bin of in person. He started blogging since 2002. A very seasoned blogger.
Then Robb challenged Huai Bin to a arm wrestling match. I think both of them go to gym.

Saw a pretty familiar face there, Ginny lah, who else? Almost every event I went to, I'll see her there.
The surprise of the night is that 3 Malaysian Dream Girl Season 1 were there too.

Hanis, last met her since Nuffnang Wild Live party. She's a model with AndrewsModels now. She'll be continuing her study soon, she told me.
The other two, are non other than Cindy and Ringo. From disliking each other to bff. It's weird how things turn out.
Okay, now let us go back to business.

Nicholas representing Nuffnang, did an introductory opening.

Ken from Alliance Bank, did a brief explaination of what's the session all about.
Basically we were there to gives feedback and questions on You:unique credit card that will be launched soon by Alliance Bank. Edmund will be the one to take us through what is You:unique all about.

Edmund telling us the conceptualization till the end product of You:nique. Which still need some fine tuning before launching the product, here's where our feedback comes in.
So, what is so unique about You:nique (pun intended). First unique feature that one can visually see is that you can put your own chosen picture as the card design. Yes, that's right, what I meant in the title that you can put your face on the credit card is not like you take a passport size photo and can it on the card. For example, when you're applying You:nique credit card online, you can upload your gf/bf's picture (limited to 2MB currently), crop it, and to be printed on the You:nique credit card. If you guys/girls sub out a credit card to your gf/bf, then whenever he/she uses the credit card knows that who's paying for the credit card bill if you put your own face on the sub card.
Here's a sample.
You:unique is not only about the design of the credit card but more customizable features that you don't see visually. More details, after the launching.

After, the Q&A sessions, it's time for some food. Most of us haven't had our dinner yet. We're damn hungry already.

Cindy taking some soup. Now only I noticed that her bag is transparent.

We're having chicken rice, samosa and fried spring roll. The chicken rice and samosa is very nice.
I of course down it with this.

I didn't manage to take a picture with Yatz that night. Well, it won't be the last time I'll be seeing him anyway.

Had small talk with Ken and Edmund. Their team has been working very hard in this project. As they say, in the banking industry Alliance is like David vs Goliaths. It's not easy getting a piece of the cake from those big boys.
We all then adjourned after the meal. Most of them had other plans while I have to go to work. -_-
So then here I'm signing out and more on You:unique after it launches.
walau eh.. how come i dunno wan? should have called me mah, so near my house...... sigh looks like lots of fun there eh. cheers
Fu wei.....
Simon is getting more popular with the ladies, eh?
Note to self: *relax relax, simon said that there is nothing to envy about*
I am beginning to think that Cindy's pretty hot now.
It's funny I didn't quite see it during MDG. Hmm.... I guess that's just me ;p
Hello Simon! It was great meeting up with you too. :)
BTW, Robb was kicking my ass. :(
Charlie: I'm not sure wor, Nuffnang call me one, I think it's not an open thingy.
Kif: lol, if you come back you'll be more popular
Arth: Maybe because MDG the screen to small ? lol
Huai Bin: Hello there. Wei, approved me as friend in FB lah.
cool event, sounds so adulthood though...
it alter people's perspective when they aren't in the category of applicable card holders, sux :(
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