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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Two Girls with Their Lamb Chops and Apple Crumble Cake

I left a comment on Jan's post about wanting to go gai gai. The next day I got her email with her mobile phone number. I met Jan in the Nuffnang Pajama Party, and found out that she live very near my place. So, I asked her out for dinner on Thursday evening. Thinking it will be kinda weird for only me and Jan going out for dinner, so I asked Amy to join us too. As Amy is having evening classes so I decided to eat near KDU. So, we went to Restoran Yu Yiee, Damansara Jaya.

There is a stall selling Western food here that opens in the evening. Their specialty is spaghetti. Here you can eat spaghetti without having to spend more than RM 10. They also sell chicken chop, and lamb chop. You can opt to have spaghetti as side dishes for the chop.

My two dates, Amy & Jan

Jan and I waited in the restaurant for Amy because her lecturer drag the class until very late. Amy not wanting for us to wait came out earlier. She told us the lecturer said those that got appointment can opt to go earlier. Even though Amy live very near here but she haven't try the Western food here before. I ordered seafood spagetthi and both of the girls ordered lamb chop. Girls nowadays really can eat.

Seafood Spaghetti (RM 7.50)

My seafood spaghetti is cooked in tomato sauce. It has prawn, fish and mussel. The tomato tasted more towards the salty side rather than sourish side. The spaghetti got the right texture, not too hard or too soft. The fish and mussel is fresh but the prawn I think is frozen overnight. Overall not bad a spaghetti, down it in less than 15 minutes.

Rating: 3.5/5

Lamb Chop with Olio Aglio Spaghetti (RM 9)

Both Amy and Jan says that the spaghetti is a bit too dry for them but the lamb chop is not bad though. I've eaten chicken chop with spaghetti before and I quite like that dryness. Well, different people got different taste.

Their rating: 3/5

If you have noticed my title is lamb chops and apple crumble cake but the Western stall here doesn't serve dessert. Where could the apple crumble comes from? As Jan wrote in her blog that she's been a long time never go gai gai, so next we went to 1 Utama for gai gai. I went shopping for some grocery in Jusco. I think this is the first time girls looking while guy shop wtf. After getting my apples and cheese, it's time to make apple crumble cheese cake. After that, off we went to Pick n' Brew, yes where in the world in 1 Utama to find good apple crumble cheese cakes than here?

Saw Jackson working with his laptop when we walked in. Chatted with him and we sat down and ordered two drinks, coffee by the pot for me and hot vanilla for the girls to share. As I have OneCard, the beverage got a buy 1 free 1 promotion. This promotion only will be on during the month of April 2008.

Jan doing her duty as a blogger

Apple Crumble Cheese Cake

I must say that the apple crumble cheese cake tasted better than the last time I had in the Glenmarie outlet. It's not too sweet. So, I have to give it a re-rating.

Rating: 4/5

The supervisor serve us a piece of Mocha cheese cake F.O.C. So nice! Thanks. I didn't take the picture of the mocha cheese cake. 3 of us agreed that the apple crumble cheese cake tasted better. If not the mocha cheese cake might get a better rating.

Rating: 3/5

After that it's some camwhoring session and pictures of the environment...

Nice lamp cover

Camwhoring wtf

Amy doing her camwhoring

Jan doing her camwhoring

Bloggers at work

Thank you Jackson for taking this picture for us

After drinking my coffee and eating such a delicious dessert, we went over to One World Hotel's toilet to do our business. As the battery in my camera died, so I can't camwhore in the toilet. I was done in less than 5 minutes. I waited and waited for both of them to come out from the toilet but after 5 minutes more still not appearing. So, I just walk around the corridor and stare at this.

Kura Japanese Restaurant, One World Hotel

I saw the menu and think it's not bad. Might come here to try it out a few months later. What attracted me is that it serves Uni (sea urchin) on plate. About a dozen. Usually only can find it made into sushi in other Japanese restaurant.

Both Amy and Jan only came out from the toilet after 5 minutes more. I don't have to ask. They were camwhoring in the toilet wtf.


Anonymous said...

Girls nowadays really can eat.
And why camwhore?? You can help each other to take the pictures what!

Kenny Choo said...

Whoa the seafood pasta looks good! I will be super fat after reading your blog. Haha

Sugar Bean said...

Second time visiting Pick n Brew? Guess that's a very nice restaurant to take lots of photos!

Simon Seow said...

jason: we're kind of addicted to camwhoring wtf.

kenny: nah you won't get fat, you don't seems like the get fat easily type.

sugar bean: third time

rokh said...

time for me to try the apple crumble too!!

sheon said...

simon: yo bro!! how cha doing?
you know what, i've been craving for pasta for god knows how many weeks liao, and i chose the worst time ever to drop by your blog. like thank you dude.
haha...i noticed that gals are on both extremes one...some eat little little, and some eat like there's no tmrw. and usually its the skinny ones that pigs out at the table. hahahaha

yammylicious said...

simon nice to meet u tat day ya!! and sorry for the rush.. muaxx meet u up nex time k?! =) aww pick n brew!! rawk!

myCoffee said...

Being a fan of coffee and cakes, I definitely have to pay this place a visit!

vialentino said...

wow, hi there...very nice and impressive blog site....nice to meet for a blog link?

amb3r1te said...

sheon: i shall take that to mean im skinny! muahaha~ *damn thick-faced* =p

simon: last night so tired lazy to comment, so i shall comment now. haha~ thanks for bringing us to pick n brew! if it wasnt for u i doubt we would have gotten so many free items. LOL!

ling239 said...

very creative poses.... ^_^

The Author said...

waaa, i oso wanna blog about it tomoro le~~ but u and amy start first @@
tomoro no one wanna read my post le. cos ad know what it abt@@
heeeee... :D

sheon said...

amb3r1te:'re quite slim... see ya this sunday!

Anonymous said...

omg many meals u guys wanna eat la?

ai wei said...

ohhahaha, ur blog always hv diff gals on post :P

Monica said...

I always eat at Yu Yiee when I was studying in KDU! Anyway, the Lamb Chop looks yummy!! ;-)

Simon Seow said...

rokh: yeah, you should go try. best.

sheon: doing ok ya bro. You're so right skinny girl can eat so much and still be skinny wtf.

jasmine: don't worry, there's always next time. Yeah, Pick n' Brew rock. Should make it a food blogger gathering place lol.

mycoffee: yeah, their' coffee best.

vialentiano: thanks, what's a blog link, sorry I'm noob in this. Is it putting your link in my blog roll?

amy: no problem, I always welcome pretty girl to go out with me :P

ling: thanks, first time got ppl compliment me creative lol.

jan: you got your own group of readers ga mah, faster post I wanna read.

yatz: only one meal ma, a main and dessert.

ai wei: so, when you want to appear on my blog? ^_^

monica: yah, lamb chop looks nice but you must ask Amy or Jan about the taste, I didn't taste it T_T

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, everyone's been to the new Pick 'n' Brew but me! I'm so behind times! Must go but soon, sooner, soonest! :P

Simon Seow said...

kennymah: yeah you should. May there's a special Belgium coffee promotion. RM 30 per pot. The specialty is the waiter will prepare the coffee in front of you. Heard from Jackson Belgium coffee retain most of the coffee aroma way of making coffee.

Anonymous said...

LMAO .. yea .. bloggers hanging out sure do the same ting la..

i met jan in the club b4 .. lolx .. and met her agin in nuffnang

so bad neva ask me out .. sobx