While Jacky Cheung is coming to Malaysia this December for his Jacky Cheung ½ Century Tour - Malaysia (张学友1/2世纪演唱会 – 马来西亚). Another pop diva from the 90s to 2000s will be having her come back concert tour in Kuala Lumpur this coming November. She's non-other than Faye Wong (王菲). She'll make a stop at Kuala Lumpur on 6th of November 2011 8pm at Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur.
Good news if you're a Citibank credi card holder because you'll be able to go for the pre-sales, limited to the first 2000 tickets.
CITIBANK Pre Sale Launch on 19th August Only applicable to TicketCharge office, hotline, internet and its authorised outlets.
- Limited up to 2000 tickets only. Once 2000 tickets taken up, sales will close prior to 9pm.
- 15% off for 1st 500 tickets purchased with any Citibank credit card.
- 10% off for tickets purchased with any Citibank credit card.
* Limited to 4 tickets per transaction
* Seat Selection : System Select Best Seat Available. (no seat selection provided)
Another good news is for you Celcom subscribers.
Official Launch 20th & 21st August Only
- 10% off VVIP, VIP 1 & VIP 2 tickets for the 1st 100 tickets purchase by Celcom subscribers
- 5% off any other category tickets (except VVIP, VIP 1 & VIP 2) for the 1st 300 tickets purchased by Celcom subscribers.
- Dedicated Priority Queue for Celcom Subscribers
* Limited to 4 tickets per transaction
*Seat Selection : System Select Best Seat Available. (no seat selection provided)
For Faye Wong fans you can buy your tickets from TicketCharge.
Here's the seating plan for Faye Wong 2011 Concert Tour - Kuala Lumpur (王菲 2011 巡唱 – 吉隆坡站).

Ticket Pric:RM180/RM280/RM380/RM480/RM580/VIP2—RM680/VIP1—RM880/VVIP—RM1080 (Excluding RM3 service charge)
Notice that the most expensive ticket is selling for RM1080? It's RM392 more expensive than Jacky Cheung's concert's most expensive ticket which sells for RM688. Maybe it's because it is Faye Wong's come back concert and also Jacky Cheung has two shows instead of one. Sigh, two of my favourite Hong Kong singers are having concert here back to back. If I have the cash, I will go to both. If not, I will have to choose either one. Whom shall I choose then?