Most of you would have read about LG Cookie Monster Party in blogs by now. So, I will not write to long about this awesome party. In other words, I'm plain old lazy.
I'll post some of the pictures I took and a bit of text. Okay?
Speaking of contest, Nicole here is having a winning streak too. She won the best pre-event post and won herself a LG Cookie 3G phone. On the left is her sister Yi Wern.
Audrey holding a Cookie Monster and Timothy wearing a Domokun T-shirt.
Kenny the MC of the night. He's Shrek.
Nicholas the Malays Country Manager of Nuffnang gives a brief speech.
There's a cookie eating contest.
While they are eating cookies, I went for some real food. ;)
Highlight of the night. Wonder Nuffies dancing Nobody.
Watch the video. You won't regret it.
Predator won the Best Male Costume. I was one of the best 5 best male costume that night. Don't play-play.
Kenny interviewing Nicole on the Best Pre-event Post win.
Many bloggers asked me what am I that night. Okay. Here's the answer. I am Vegeta under Babidi's control. More correctly is Vegeta let himself to be controlled by Babidi so that he can fight with Son Goku. So, did my makeup works?

u're more handsome than bezita k..
Nicole: lol thanks.
Great party and a monster good post :p
Wah thanks for promoting me to make me become famous haha
It is stil a long way to go to become a succesful blogger o
smallkucing: haha thanks
Tian Chad: No prob
whoa.. the wondergirls nuffies were good! hehe.. especially the middle front row one..
Exotic dress!
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