Nigel invited me. I came late because I have to work until 8 p.m.. Missed most of the showcase. Lucky ShutterPulse's photographers, Nigel, David and Aaron took the pictures.
Joey G is the host of the showcase.

Girls, how can you go to the pool or beach without a Roxy bikini?
Not swimming? No problem because you can go out on a hot day in casual wear from Roxy like the one below.

Guys, you don't have to be jealous ok? There's still Quiksilver for us.
A round of applause for Quiksilver and Roxy please. *clapping sounds*

You want to see more? Go to the outlet in major shopping mall boys and girls. Don't know where? Click here lah.
Nice people that I met that night.

First time meeting her. But seen her name a lot in Nuffnang Innit lately.

Having red wine with Hitomi.

Steph K, whom is quite active in going to events nowadays.

Just wanted to see how our tongues look like after red wine. Serge, Yenniedoll, Jessica and Hitomi in this pic.

Kel Li and Hsu Jen of course were there too.
Okay. Gotta go already, need to pack my bags for my Penang trip tomorrow on Labour Day.