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Monday, May 20, 2013

HTC ONE Launching

OMG! It's been so long I didn't update my blog. I've been too busy losing weight kekeke. Lose Weight Now, Ask Me How. Okay, a few weeks ago I went to the launching of HTC ONE in Studio Lounge, Tropicana City Mall. I asked Emily to come for the event too as she wanted to buy HTC ONE as her first smart phone. Yes, you heard that right.First smart phone. Better late than never, right?

I won't be writing down the specs here cause you can always Google it. Here's a video of the demo by the HTC Product Specialist.

Here is the video of the design and specifications.

I won a HTC ONE phone casing for Emily and she won a HTC One X Windows phone. OMG. So lucky. She's now using HTC ONE already.

For more information, visit HTC’s webpage or HTC Malaysia’s Facebook page


TheJessicat said...

Wah! U did lose weight leh! :) Keep it up ok! And nice HTC ONE phone! My bf uses it :)

Simon Seow said...

Kekeke. Thanks. I'll keep it up.

click said...

Have you got one or used one? The battery lasts all day for me and I have never ran out of charge and to say I travel an hour and a half each way whilst watching something or playing something on it means the battery is pretty good. Only the weird over techno people carry batteries around with them, never met someone who actually does that for day to day usage as well. The camera is good, you don't buy a phone to take professional photos and 32gb is fine for a normal person. thanks~ Olivia

Paul said...

Always been a HTC fan so I'm really happy to see the company launching great phones like the HTC One.