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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sushi Zanmai, The Gardens

Last Thursday, I booked Esther to go to the Gardens with me. Initial plan was to buy Royce chocolate for her PMS but found out that the Isetan in the Gardens doesn't have a supermarket -_-. Well, after buying the movie tickets for Mad Money, we went to Sushi Zanmai in the Gardens for dinner at about 5.45 p.m. because we are hungry.

This is the second time I've been to Sushi Zanmai. Went there alone the first time after reading about it from masak-masak and other food blogs. A lot of flogger have blogged about Sushi Zanmai. Now that I have a companion, I can order more, muahahaha.....

I didn't bring any camera. Wa si bo lui lang lai eh. So, the pictures here are stolen courtesy from Esther.

Me in front of Sushi Zanmai

Esther Chin in person

Since, this is the second time I'm here, I've already got a few must try dishes that I didn't have the chance to try it out the first time. Hence, I'll only post those selected dishes, we had more than what I posted here. You can read more of the dishes on Esther's post.

Esther is so hungry that she start from the kaiten first

Sashimi Salada

The first time I came here, I had the Kani Avocado Salada, so this time I ordered Sashimi Salada for a change. Both also I dressed it with Sushi Zanmai house dressing, which is a bit of fusion between Wafu style and western style dressing. I think they mix shoyu with thousand island. Anyway, it goes well with the salad. The salmon and tuna is real fresh. That's what I like about Sushi Zanmai, FRESH.
Rating: 4/5

Ikura Chawanmushi

Been wanting to try this for a long time. I am nuts about Ikura (salmon roe). I took a spoonful with the roe and steam egg and I was in heaven. The mixture of the different texture from the roe and steam egg is just wonderful. The steam egg is steamed with assorted seafood like salmon and prawn. I can sapu it all by myself.
Rating: 4.5/5

Hotate Teriyaki

ling239 say that this is a must try, and she is right. Esther and I loved it. The teriyaki sauce is just the right taste, not too salty and not too sweet. Of course the scallop is just so fresh. It is grilled at the right timing not over cooked or under cooked. Kudos to the chef.
Rating: 4/5

Ikura Temaki

Another one of my favourite. Yes, it is because there's Ikura (salmon roe). I am bored with Ikura sushi, so I ordered Ikura temaki (handroll). I devoured this all by myself, muahahaha...***flew to heaven***
Rating: 4/5

Me, devouring the Ikura Temaki

Strawberry Parfeit

This time, I leave room for this dessert that is almost the defacto dessert for all flogger when they come here to eat. The taste is not bad but found it a bit too sweet for my liking.
Rating: 3/5

Macha & Macha Parfeit

One dessert is not enough, we ordered another and we found our gem. The green tea parfeit with red beans. The macha ice-cream is not too sweet and mixing it with the sweet red beans just balance up the taste. This is my kind of dessert.
Rating: 3.5/5

Asahi Beer & Umesho

After conquering so much delicious food, we celebrated by downing some alcoholic drinks. Guess who drank the beer and who drank the plum wine?

Others' Point of View

masak-masak (Sunway Pyramid) (Sunway Pyramid)
Sugar Sugar Bean Bean (Sunway Pyramid)


ZB said...

i <3 sushi

Simon Seow said...

Wah, you didn't sleep or you wake up so early? It's 5.26 a.m. I got no choice have to work until 8 a.m.

ZB said...

i don't sleep

s.kuan said...

everyone's been to zanmai but me *sob sob

haan said...

makan a lot in 1 shot!!!

Michelle Chin said...

I never been to zanmai. =D Anyway, royce chocolates can only be found in KLCC.

mamasoju said...

Esther chin is hot blink* blink *
Simon drink Umeshu, Esther drink beer...
I love Umeshu... ^^

ling239 said...

i cant get enough of ikura... i want more !!! hahahaaa.... ^_^

Happy CNY ~

ZB said...

ah_mel: haha.. what makes you think i am the one that drank the beer?

minnymin said...

dropped saliva in front of my com...
i want to go for sushi at there too
but wa ma si bo lui lang lai eh~~

Simon Seow said...

Kuan: I haven't been to Vietnam before :(

haan: It's what you get with two very glutonnious hungry ppl

michelle: There's always chance. Thanks for telling me where to get Royce chocolate. Now can give to Esther during her PMS :p.

ah_mel: ya she's hot isn't she but don't ever offend her. You'll die.

ling239: Yupe, can never get enough Ikura, they're too yummy. Happy CNY to you too.

Esther: I think very obvious right, if I put that question up, it won't be a normal answer that guy drink beer and girl drink wine.

minnymin: Hi, thanks for dropping by. lai wa lang ki bah Toto, kena ki jiak sushi.

ai wei said...

i like this place a lot. the taste of food is quite authentic for its price.

kakakaka, u hv the guess correctly, how'd u knwo bout that?!

arigatou gozaimasu... hardly can read jap now cz quit from studying adi. will continue after i graduate from uni >___<

Simon Seow said...

ai wei,

yupe, it is now one of my fav Japanese restaurant

by the way you describe your lab assignment lor. Medical doctor don't make their own medicine ga ma. Only a Pharmacist will measure prescription and the amount in it.

kakaka, I also stopped long ago. I also don't know whether the grammar is right or not.

Anonymous said...

You guys had one helluva feast eh? And thanks for dropping by my blog! =D

ZB said...

erm.. only PMS you will give the choco to me ar?

Simon Seow said...

Ash: Yupe, we're like just came out from prison.

esther: No la, PMS is just a cover up. If you want every week also can give you.