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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

3rd Nuffnang Sharing Session - KY Speaks

I was lucky enough to be slot in last minute for this because someone can't make it. As usual, I arrived early to the venue, which is Italiannies, the Gardens.

Saw these outside their baking counter. Breathing the cake?

Chingy hiding at the registration counter wtf.

Some of the invited bloggers start arriving.

Karena, Paris Rui Koh, Bryan, Anne, Jeffro, and Kelly.

About 10 minutes later, the man of the night KY reached the place from his office in KLCC. Yes, contrast to popular beliefs, KY has a day job like you and me.

KY, Robb, and Chingy checking the attendance list.

The tables are set.

Call in the bloggers.

And bloggers you shall get. LOL.

The first food blog that I read is non other than KY Speaks. Which also motivated me to blog about food. Read the details here.

The food blog guru at work.

I ordered a premium house wine to go with my meal.

Let the session begin.

KY started to talk cock shared his story of how he turn into the food blog guru.

Then each of the bloggers introduced themselves. Starting with Sidney of BBO.

Sidney writes in BBO with Sunny, which is another successful food blog.

Food is served.

Starting with Sicilian Pizza.

This pizza is of the thick type but very fluffy. It's creamy with tomato and cheese, yummy. As for the rest of the food, please read my review here.

The lamb shank is so good that we have to make a toast with the bone.

Vic, known her since I known her bff PS which happens to be my bff's cousin sister. Her blog is one of the first personal blog that I follow since her Xanga and Multiply day. Her blog URL always change so it's kind of hard to catch up. She used to have the time to edit her pic with caption and conversation bubble. She still do it now but not that often.

Yee Hou, Debra, and me.

Debra is Victoria's younger sister. I only know her recently. She always look different every time I meet her. This is the third time I met her if I remember correctly. The first time is in Made of Honor dinner (that I totally forgot to blog about) and the second time is in Nokia Nuffnang Silent Halloween Party.

With Rui, Chee Hong and Chee Seng.

Chee Hong and Chee Seng are the Yap brothers. The younger Chee Seng is quite a dancer, he won the Nokia Silent Dancer 1st prize that got him a new Nokia Xpress Music phone. Damn.

New faces of Nuffnang community that I first met that night. Josephine, Jou Yin, and May.

Great peeps from Nuffnang, Chingy, Firdy, and Nicholas.

Justin and Sidney.

Wilson that is so super.

Pinky on the rock.
The Nuffnang gang doesn't treat her as a lady.

Timothy and I doing the pink and white theme wtf.

KC, she just very recently joined Nuffnang community thus a bit shy.

Bloggers mingled around.

Rojaks was there too. After a satisfied meal we took group picture to end the night. The group picture is not in my camera. There's maybe 19 other posts about this event, so click on each of the people's blog that I've mentioned if you want to see the group photo.

Last but not least, Debra was so naughty that we lock her up in the cage.

Naughty Girl Debra


Cruel Angel said...

bloggers really has become a IN things and gain so much publicity!

ai wei said...

wow, another nice gather-up by nuffnang!

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

wahlau eh..i think u hit ur italiannies quota for the year d lor!

Carrie Tai said...

Another great blogger gathering. How good if i'm staying in kl....

ling239 said...

the lamb looks very good.... how many pieces do u get ? :p

Anonymous said...

what a horrid picture of me at the end!


Simon Seow said...

Cruel Angel: ok ok la

Ai Wei: yeah, Nuffnang rawks

Joe: lol

Cheddarina: come back lor

ling239: one piece of lamb shank is quite big already.

debra: where got horrid.

Lynn said...

LOL it's really unbelievable that KY actually works in office. lol

Wilson Ng said...

Simon is a superstarrr