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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nicole 'KISS' Game Plan For Mr. Potato Contest

After our Project Trafford team members crunched our brain juice, we finally came out with a plan of exchanging "hugs" and "kisses" to get Mister Potato. First let me summarized the rules of the contest, to win you must collect as many points as possible and to get points you need to have the seal from Mister Potato package. You can go here for the detailed rules & regulations.

So, all you need is to buy and eat as many Mister Potato as possible to get the seals. If you are 'okanemochi no hito' (rich people) then it won't be a problem. As our team is not rich people, so we come up with the "free hug" and "free kiss" strategy to get as many Mister Potato as we can.

With Kif in Australia, Andy in Penang and Chic with her busy schedule. Three of them did their own free "hug" and "kiss" stunt in different locations.

Kif aka 3.8 in Australia

Andy in UK Penang

Chic doing her stuff.

This is what Nicole, Aronil and me did. First, my lady boss, Nicole asked me to make a human billboard. So, I cut out two card board from an old box, and started to create my "Masterpiece".

The materials needed for the human billboard sign.

My finished "Masterpiece"

Aronil, Nicole, me, and Kel that is so nice to help out even though she's not involve in this project met up and start spiced up my "Masterpiece".

I give hug and you give me Mister Potato.

Kelz helped out to test my hug.

Since, we're somewhere very near Nuffnang's office, and since Nuffnang is the coordinator of this project, we think that they will be keeping a lot of Mister Potato in the office. Off we went first to Nuffnang's office to offer my hug for Mister Potato.

At the entrance of Heritage House where Nuffnang's office is.

Getting excited in the lift.

After much persuasion, Boss Stewie accepted my hug and gave me a pack of Mister Potato. But Robb say hug is such a low price for a precious pack of Mister Potato because he wants to win the contest and go to Old Trafford too.

I hugged Boss Stewie.

Also, hugged Firdauz and Wenqi.

Robb says,"Give me a kiss and you can have my Mister Potato"

We have no other choice but to upgrade our offer from Free Hugs to Free Kiss.

Upgrading in Progress.

Robb was so happy that we up our offer, and seeing that Nicole is trying on the upgraded human billboard, he was overly excited. Haha, he wished.

Nicole says,"Sorry, I'm just trying this on for quality assurance. I'm not the one offering the kiss."

If it's not Nicole, then will it be Aronil?

Aronil says,"Sorry not me either."

I said with an evil smile on his face,"Sorry Robb. It's me again."

Robb suddenly want to take back the offer but he was too late. Muahahahaha.

I forced my way and kissed a terrified Robb. Yes, Simon is very keen to win the Mister Potato contest to Old Trafford and he'll do anything to get a pack of Mister Potato.

Robb has no choice but to get a kiss from me.

The still stunned Robb.

After terrorizing promoting our offer in Nuffnang's office. We only manage to get two packs of Mister Potato. So, we go down the street and try our luck on the people in the street.

I walked and walked, offering hug or kiss but no one seems to take interest in my offer.

No one interested in my hug, so I hugged the lamp pole instead. -_-

So, alas, my lady boss, took on the role as the provider. Don't 'pray-pray' wei, once she put on the human billboard sign, there's a queue lining up from Bisou to Sogo.

1 container of Mister Potato please for Nicole Kiss' kiss.

So, we are able to collect many many packs of Mister Potato.

This is my share.

Old Trafford here I come.

So, if you have limited monetery resources and want a higher chances to win the contest and make your way to Old Trafford. Follow our game plan to offer hug or kiss in exchange for Mister Potato and you will be able to get it. Go now and see what other prizes you can win here.


Nicole said...

OI! Never share your bags of Mister Potato Chips!

Anonymous said...

teehee~~ ... hilarious la
u r the billboard man!!!!

Anonymous said...

i wan Mister Potato Chips also..=-=

Anonymous said...

i'd hug that..
move over simon, i meant the other one.

Anonymous said...

Great work! Looks fun! The guy kissing guy part looks hilarious hahahhaa.

YSL said...

I'll hug all, provided I am given the Mister Potato.
Being creative for Old Trafford!!!
Yeah! OT rules.

YSL said...

Hmm... Y not add some costume... Mister potato outlook, etc etc....

curryegg said...

I thought there will be kissing scene between you and Robb.. muahaha..

R said...

he violated me... T_T

I'm suing you for molestation! see you in court!

Rynne Lee said...


pinksterz said...


Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

Hahhaaha pooor Robb le hahhaa :P

Anonymous said...

Ooi! where got free liddat!

andrew said...

hey!! i wan hugs and kisses also!! =D hehehe.... damn nice kan? hope you'll win man!!

Simon Seow said...

Boss: You also never ask from me :p

Steph: yes, i'm the bill board man and kisser.

adrian: go kiss and hug someone for it Lol

tori: lol what ler only hug pretty girl.

justin: yeah, i like that part too.

Simon Seow said...

ysl: yeah, you're Man U fan? We're kind low in budget hence no costume.

kelly: got one, but lady boss didn't send that pic to me.

robb: I thought you voluntarily accepted our offer geh?

rynne: I'm the kelian one. T_T

pink: got blush meh?

aronil: poor me T_T

labu: got la, free Mister Potato with kiss mah

andrew: you want my hug and kiss? come come.

FooDcrazEE said...

stand in front of a hyper mart ler . . . .lolz . . .good move . . .

GLory 2 Man United

Anonymous said...

Simon, u r quite genius 2 come up with this plan ho. So that u can hug the chics n get the chips ho. U r da man! LOLZ

§pinzer said...

hahahhahahhaha simon ur damn gay! now if i tell ppl we watched movie in my room, waaaah lolol

Wingz said...

kakakaka best post ever!!! i want mister potato but dunwan kiss can ar?

Rames said...

OMG! This is hillarious!! U damn brave lor lol! I can't do this lol.

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

steady la brudder..things u do for ur blog!

Anonymous said...

ahaha. i got a hug from aronil for freee! no need exchange mister potato chips. haha.

good luck simon with your endeavour!

Anonymous said...


Simon Seow said...

foodcrazee: I worried I'll scared away the customers. ManU rocks.

mark: lol, yes, I'm a genius.

chris: shh.....

wingz: whoa, compliment from king of funny post. I'm honored.

jackson: I worried no one will come to eat then.

rames: No choice. Nicole is very garang.

joe: of course, passion for blog mah.

valerie: i hug you la, no need to give me anything. Thanks.

Pei Pei: right?

Anonymous said...

haha. really funny post. =) i salute you for having the guts to leave your house after putting on that cardboard.

MiShi_Ka said...

free hugs for a bag of mister potato chips?? creative I'd any hugs & kisses from strangers?? bring me back something cute from old trafford ok?! =)

Anonymous said...

I want to line up to get a kiss from Nicole Kiss !!! :p

Simon Seow said...

steph: yeah, even my lady boss salute me.

mishi ka: See if i got time to mail all the Mister Potato bags or not. LOL.

Mike: shh...wait till Stripped Steph read you comment.

Anonymous said...

i want nicole kiss's kisses too T_T

cool la
u got lotsa fun there

Pixie Clover said...

haha,so funny la ur photos^^
anyway,im Mister Potato Big Fans!!just love to eat^^

Falcon said...

get Nicole to kiss me and i will send you to Old Trafford!!!

chics said...

Wahh so many comments already. Go Simon go!

Nicole said...

Falcon, Send me to trafford!

MikeMikeMike said...

Wondering where they buy those mister potato?

Simon Seow said...

ren: i also want but she won't kiss me because i used her Bobby Brown lipstick. And yeah it was fun.

clover: I like Original & Tomato Mister Potato. Got snacks when watching DVD at home. I sacrificed myself, if not funny then my sacrificing is worthless.

chics: woot!

falcon & nicole: Falcon you read my boss's reply? you send her to Trafford and she'll kiss you.

baby: give me give me.

mike: I was wondering too.

Anonymous said...

Simon, the photo was realy nice and funny ^_^

Michelle said...

you should make a video out of this. just like the free hugs ones.

ling239 said...

wow.... all the best ya !!! ^O^

Jason said...

Hahaha... u ahh.... GENG!!!!
When u get there.... buy me a MU shirt ;)

Good luck man~


The Author said...

You really kissed robb??

Anonymous said...


Robb looks such innocent.. but he asked for it.. LOL

Simon Seow said...

anonymous: thanks, a lot of hard work wei.

shells: yawor, but lady boss didn't order

ling: thanks ;)

jason: i wish

jan: yeah, really kissed him ga

Simon Seow said...

yao voon: yeah, we pwned him real good.

angelyee said...

Then u must be getting the most hugs as it seems u provide the warmest hugs among others wo .. Cheers towards ur victory... Wohoo..

Simon Seow said...

angelyee: No ler, I have to hump the lamp pole wtf. Thanks.

MikeMikeMike said...

Lamp post? No Mister Potato one wor!

Simon Seow said...

mike: yeah, that's why later changed to Nicole to get the Mister Potato lor.

Sue Me said...

can i have oni nicole's hug and kisses?then i give u one pack of mister potato chips.LOL..good luck, simon!!

Anonymous said...

splendid idea...

i wanna see you doing that in HP towers. can?

sheryl said...

hahaha...interesting! but ppl in the street generally don't carry a pack of chips with them. so how do they exchange it with your hug or kiss?

s.kuan said...

simon! you the man LOL had me laughing like mad. especially the post about u on nicole's blog. salute

Anonymous said...

I want Mr. Potato! My childhood chips! Here dont have :(

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha... nice =)

Simon Seow said...

sue: you can't, nicole flew to China already.

jovern: i won't do it even if you give me RM 1000 -_-

sheryl: just put a stand there next to a 7-11, ppl can just go in 7-11 and buy Mister Potato and then exchange for hug or kiss.

kuan: you mean my post not as funny as Nicole's? -_-

val: I send it to you. My team mate 3.8 is in Australia too, he also can't have Mister Potato.

firdauz: Thanks man for the pic.

Anonymous said...

very creative...but i think it will work better if your team mates are doing the hugs and kisses =)

Anonymous said...

lol!You look damn happy to be able to hug and kiss people!

Stripped Steph said...

hahahahhahaha okie okie next time u see me ill give a bag of mr patatoe!!

Anonymous said...

OMG? you eally.........CUTE?! sorry i can't find a suitable words to describe my feeling now. XD

Simon Seow said...

michelle: yeah, I'm not attractive enough wtf.

evolna: I was forced by my lady boss.

trulyme: thanks ;)

sheinnaaaaa: how about lovable?

eiling lim said...

haha, should have told me so I can donate a few packs for you!

Simon Seow said...

eiling: it's not too late now. Let me kiss you. :p

-popjammerz- said...

grahahahahha, u guys are really funny! i think project trafford is really fun!!

Simon Seow said...

Popjammerz: Yeah. It's really fun.

Celine said...

Haha.. This is hilarious! I want some Mister Potato Chips too! *gimme gimme gimme* LOL

Simon Seow said...

Celine: sorry, i finished the last pack yesterday. :p

Anonymous said...

You must be the most popular guy la. Got any guys try to hug you or not?!??! hehe

babychyu said...

aiyerr~ simon kor kor
u r so Cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee la!!
ish ish ~
u stand infront of las vegas next to times square ...i swear to god u will get many mister potatoes~~
all gay fellow will hug n kiss u ...

Simon Seow said...

anonymous: luckily no.

chyu: miss you so much. so long didn't chat with you already. Nah, I worried there's nothing left of me if I stand there.

3POINT8 said...

Awwww....Simon so wai dai!
Come come, I give u one hug also! (ehehe, i'm only hugging you for the mister potato)

Tummythoz said...

Really FOCLOL post!
'Fall out chair laff out loud'

Simon Seow said...

Kif: Come fly back to KL and hug me, I just bought 5 packs of 85g Mister Potato.

tummythoz: That's a new laugh. LOL.

Anonymous said...

smoochies mister potato xxD

eiling lim said...

It's ok, I'll give you for free. No need kisses...hehe

MikeMikeMike said...

I also want a hug!
How many pack per hug?

Anonymous said...

*hug*hug* Give me 2 packets of Mister Potato please !!

babychyu said...

78 SAID !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
simon kor kor !!!!!!!!!!
u r so famous !!!!!
i wish to have a 78 comments in my blog too ~
too bad i'm not that famous ~
ish ish
jealous betul ~~~~~

Simon Seow said...

rumi: smooch smooch

eiling: ditched the mister potato, i want kiss. LOL.

mike: me, is only 1 pack per hug, for Nicole you'll have to prepare 100 packs.

Rose: I think you should be given me wor.

Chyu: You're more famouse than me leh. MDG 1st Runner-up and Louis Koo's extra.

J2Kfm said...

eh i think i have a few packs in my house la, the limited edition type. never wonder they're so priced! whoopsie ... =P

but u gotta export your hugs/kisses over, as I'm miles away from you.

muahaha ... PosEkspres would do fine

Simon Seow said...

j2km: lol wookie. but i worry the kiss will busuk liao. i'll ask nicole to send from Shanghai.