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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Urban Hulk

I got an invitation from Nuffnang about a press event that was code named Urban Hulk. In the invitation there's only a brief description about the event.

The Mysterious Invitation

Since I will be able to make it on that day, so I accepted the invitation. So I reached Celebrity Fitness about 3.05 p.m.

Most of the invited media and guests were already seated when I reached there. Say hello to Nicholas and Yee Hou from Nuffnang. I sat in front of Nicholas and next to Ringo. She's wearing a beautiful silky dress/robe on that day.

Camwhored with Ringo.

So, what is this all about? Well it's about two things from what I know is that this is a press conference for the launching of Clorets newest flavour in town, the Dark Secret. It is also to launch the Clorets Amateur Pole Dancing Competition.

The Pole

Oh, who's that long hair gorgeous?

The launch started with two professional pole dancers from Viva Vertical showing some of their pole dancing skill.

Emily doing her stuff.

The come the Urban Hulk. With one or two tablets of Dark Secret, he's able to attract both dancers to use him as the pole to dance.

Urban Hulk a.k.a. Mix FM DJ Pietro

You all remember this aunty from the commercial shown recently in most cinema? Yes, this is the Clorets Dark Secret commercial.

The CEO of of Cadbury Malaysia giving his speech. Now only I know that Clorets is a brand under Cadbury.

Clorets Brand Manager.

A slide from the presentation.

The slide describing the Clorets Amateur Pole Dancing Competition website on how you can join the competition. Oh by the way, the contest is open for anyone 18 year old and above. Yes that's mean female and male above 18 year old. Also, there's no height or weight restriction. I won't be joining though. Just shoot a video of yourself doing some pole dancing move according to the 6 category of pole dancing style listed on the website. Upload it to You Tube and then submit the embedded link to the site. Shortlisted contestant will get pole dancing training from Viva Vertical during the competition. So you potential dancers out there, click here now. Competition starts from 1st July to 3rd August.

Oh, yes, the long hair gorgeous is actually Hannah Tan.

Hannah, Viva Vertical trainers and Pietro showing the Clorets.

Oh, by the way, in the competition finale, Hannah Tan and Pietro will also show off their pole dancing skill. They are currently going under training in Viva Vertical. If you wanna see both of them pole dance, be sure to visit this site often.

Hannah T, Ringo and Pietro.

Hannah Tan and yours truly.

'Pole dancing' with Ringo.

The light food for the media and guests. I especially like the tuna thingy.

Ginny was there too, and today she's not in costume. This is the fourth time I met her. The second time I met her was during the Made of Honour gala dinner, she's in the same table as I and I didn't notice her. My bad, I am bad in recognizing people. Sorry Ginny. :p

The good ppl from Nuffnang, Yee Hou and Nicholas Chay. I was actually chewing my food when this picture was taken. Hence the Edison Chen's twisted lips look.

Guess who's this?
For those of you long time reader will surely know who is him. He's none other than Porkie from London. He's on vacation here. Nice meeting you Porkie. He's a professional photographer by the way. Hence the Nikon D300.

Loads of Clorets on display there. Which I helped myself to a few. :p

Bloggers group photo.
Back: Me, Amy, and Kimberly
Front: Shaun, Kenny Choo, and Kutu Cat

This is also some kind of a reunion for Shaun, Kenny, Kutu Cat and me. We first got to know each other in L Change the World movie press screening also invited by Nuffnang.

This is me trying to imitate a monkey pole dance. -_-


Charlie said...

hey simon, you look cool doing the pole dance lah. sigh, i miss another happening event. so uncool man.

Anonymous said...

cool event. but how does the new flavour of clorets taste like? cuz the box only says Dark Secret

Anonymous said...

clorets! Wow, do you get any free one? Gimmi some?!? Haha!

Johnny Ong said...

alrite simon, go for it

angelyee said...

ur eyes are aiming at who when you doing your pole dance ar?

§pinzer said...

pole dancing. dude. you do a lot of things but u never did tell me that ur gonna do POLE DANCING omgwtf!!!

*pukes* :P

Kutu Cat said...

LOL. That last picture looks so wrong in so many ways... it's my fav from all the shots though!

LilMeJo said...

Last pic..
Look very..
Instead of a monkey pole dancing,
it look more like a
monkey on

JeromeFo 令狐冲 said...

So many Nuffnang parties nowadays =S. Ringo Rocks!

Nicholas Chay said...

the last picture is very disturbing..

Rynne Lee said...

LOL SIMON, sexy dance!

Simon Seow said...

charlie: lol, not many bloggers were there, weekdays afternoon not everyone is free.

simon ho: taste like Clorets lol.

joshuatly: yeah, i got 6 of those kekeke.

jackson: huh, what lucky?

angel: aiming to the camera of course.

chris: -_- you be careful, I'll come to your house and pole dance to you.

kutu cat: thanks for the photos, it's my fav too.

jolyn: lol, what?? why on viagra?

jerome: not party, press launching.

nicholas: where got? -_-

rynne: yeah!

Anonymous said...

Owh.. So, that's porkie.. hehehehe...

and the last pic *ROFLMAO*

LilMeJo said...

i dunno.. proly coz look like horny one kind only.. =P