I just got back from Nuffnang Blogopolis 2012 Kuala Lumpur. Not gonna blog about how it went and all that. I'll just summarized what I learned and took back with me from all the Master Classes.
1. Time management is important in blogging. If you are serious into getting readers. Make something like a Editorial Calendar to scheduled what you'll post in a week or even in a month.
Kenwooi.com, Chee Wah, and KY |
2. Frequent updates is advisable for getting readers to come back to your blog, so that they can expect a few posts in a week but quality of the content must be good and not just blog something that is not really good as a filler. Like, Kenwooi, he'll put his not so good post during the weekend when not many people reads blog.
Huai Bin and Hui Wen |
3. All of the top bloggers state that your blog is about you yourself. Don't blog for anyone. You must be true to yourself and blog honestly. If you lie in your blog, sooner or later someone will find out, which will hurt your credibility in the end.
Eric Cruz, Firdaus, and Lionel |
4. Blog design 101 - Auto play music in a blog is a definite NO-NO. It's just plain annoying. A Font is a cookie cutter and a typeface is cookie. Go Google it if you want to go into detail about the different between font and typeface.
Vivy Yusof and Beautiful Nara |
5. Have a simple and easy to remember blog name or blog URL. Design a logo or make a recognizable header. Last but not least having a unique tagline is important for your blog's branding.
Carlos Nizam and Sue Anna Joe |
6. Learned some basic photography skill and the basic rules of capturing a good picture before you go and bend the rules. Investing in a good camera do help to up your game in blogging or vlogging.
Xia Xue |
7. Find out why you blog in the first place and what you're passionate to blog about. It might be food, cooking, traveling, your personal life or even camel. Blog something that relates to you and others. Oh, please blame Lionel from Ripplewerkz if XiaXue.sg is not moved to Wordpress yet in a few months time =P
Premesh, Timothy Tiah and Kenny Sia |
8. Timothy told us that when he login to his secret Nuffnang Control Panel that only him and Boss Ming have access to, he sees that social media platform like Twitter and Facebook didn't pulled down the traffic in blogs but helped to increased the traffic because it shows 30-40% of the traffic is referral from Twitter or Facebook. So, blog is still relevant in Malaysia blogosphere. Some of the top type of blogs in Malaysia are, food blog, entertainment blog and personal/lifestyle blog.
Ernest and Maria |
9. Using a different way of blogging will help to boost your readership. For example, doing a vlogging and post on YouTube and post it in your blog post instead of only writing it in words. Draw comics instead of telling your story in words. Utilize other social media platform such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pininterest to link it back to your blog.
You mean like this?
10. Last but not least. Nuffnang will be launching the New Nuffnang soon!

cool! new Nuffnang! I bet everyone received plenty of good advices from the top bloggers!
Wish I was there too!!! :)
Good points but I think most veteran bloggers would know these points already. A good summary nonetheless and thks simon fr the low-down of today's event.
Thanks for summarizing the points! :) I'm sure most of us knows what to do already but not everyone does it, hehe (^^;) Still, these are nice tips for anyone who's new to blogging. :)
Good to know... but am still okay with not having been there myself.
Nice summarization of the whole event! :)
Simon Har: Yes. Some new insights and refresher.
Charmaine: Next year make it happen.
Rebecca: Well, it's good tips for new blogger and a good refresher for veteran.
Neko: Yeah.
Synical: It all depends on what you want to do with blogging. If you want to grow it more then workshop like this is a good venue. If it's just a hobby to blog then go or not go is okay.
Ken: Thanks. Nice sharing session from you too ;)
thankyou for summarizing everything we missed! :P
i want the new design to come and hopefully there's Mobile Ads too !
Heh! You've won a contest by doing Peter Chao before too right? Good luck on this, if it's not over. :)
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