Wow. Time flies!!! It was like yesterday when I went to Nuffnang First Birthday Bash - Nuffnang Pajamas Party. After that I was looking forward for annual Nuffnang birthday bash but, I have to be dissapointed to wait until year end the next year because Nuffnang decided to put in their resources into the 1st Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards, which I was lucky enough to be invited to join the fun in Singapore. Then the next year, no birthday bash too. Then last year it's the 2nd NAPBAS and of course yours truly was there too.
Alas!! This year, Nuffnang Birthday Bash is back. Y U TOOK SO LONG??

How will Nuffnang Stickman celebrate his 5th birthday? Oh, well. First, of course he'll need some booze. Recently I tasted Moet & Chandon Rose before and I think it's perfect for celebration. Pop one or two dozen bottles of the champagne with all the invited bloggers would be nice start.

Because Nuffnang Stickman is so famous among the bloggers. He should setup a line for the bloggers to camwhore with him using instamax/polaroid and then all the pictures will be put on the Nuffnang Wall.
Prizes! Is a must in a birthday bash. But as Nuffnang tradition, it will be Nuffnang Stickman giving out prizes to some lucky bloggers instead of bloggers giving him the prizes =P

What's a party without some games? Let it be more extreme than the one in Nuffnang Pajamas Party. Taking off cloth is not enough now, Nuffnang Stickman. What about cross-dressing?

Maybe Nuffnang Stickman should also ask Boss Stewie to bring his bolster to the party again this time and let Mrs. Tiah hit him with it. Ok. Just kidding.

Nuffnang Stickman should again invite a French Maid, Police Woman, and a Nurse to usher us bloggers. This time maybe change that to cosplay popular Anime character such as Miku from Vocaloid.

I'm sure Nuffnang Stickman will invite famous bloggers like Cheesie to make the party merrier.

It's a must for Nuffnang Stickman to call up Chipster Girl to come and join the fun.

Because Chipster Girl is now Miss Universe Singapore 2011.
Last but not least, please invite EnerG too because he haven't been partying for a very very long time already. Pretty please.

Happy 5th Anniversary Nuffnang!!
so cham energizer long time no partying ooo!
ooo, nice :)
so old... 5 adi
outdated dpalic squads
Sherrie: Thanks
Kian Fai: Yeah. He's very sad right now.
Isaac: Thanks.
Edi神: lol 5 not old la. I'm nostalgic mah lol.
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