My friend Edmund invited me to his company's magazine launching last two weeks ago which was held in Barcelona, Sunway Pyramid. Pyramid is one mall that I seldom come, so finding Barcelona took me quite some effort but thanks to the help of the customer service executive there I was able to find it.
Oh, I nearly forgot to mention what magazine. I.M. Magazine which is a magazine about individual Malaysian here and abroad and a magazine cater towards Malaysian with news and info about Malaysian for Malaysian. The first publication was published in June. They only do the launch in August to coincide it with National Day and the launch of their online version.
There is a racing game challenge outside sponsored by M-150 Power Drink. The grand prize is a Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT. You'll have to be the fastest on the track kekeke. Find out their roadshow venues and try your luck to win the car here.
There's food, free flow Tiger Beer, and also fashion and makeup booths inside. Well, the booths are meant for girls. I don't need makeup from Bloop or dress from :p I also suck in racing game so, I'll just take my booze and wait for the lucky draw. The best prize is a Sony Ericson C903 Cybershot phone. ^_^
There were also catwalk with models showing off Sony Ericson C903.
Lauching of I.M. Magazine online version.
The second round of catwalk, the models put on clothing by Puma.
After that there is performance by KL Stomppers, our very own Stomp.
Picture with my secondary school juniours.
Too bad, this time my lucky draw luck is a not as good as when I was in the F&N Freestylz event. I got a Got Milk? T-shirt and a Lecka-lecka cash voucher from answering question. I want the Sony Ericson T_T
The last performance was dance by Dance Angels from Barcelona. I didn't stay back to watch, I went to Justin's place to play Guitar Heroes.
Its like a lifestyle magazine yea?
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