I've been lucky to be picked by 988 through a SMS contest to go to Manhand meet the fans in Redbox this coming Monday at 7.30 p.m. I can invite a guest to go with me. Since, I don't know any friends that is also Manhand's fan, so I thought opening this invitation as a form of contest for the readers of this blog that is a fan of Manhand.
All you have to do is answer this question:
Name the song from Manhand that is the first to be played on 988.
Complete this sentence:
I want to at Manhand meet the fans because...
With your full name, and mobile no. email your answer in either English or Chinese to yyseow[at]gmail.com with the subject "Simon Says: Manhand Contest". If more than one person got the answer correct the completed sentence will be use as a tie breaker, so be creative as possible. Contest closed at 12.00 a.m. 22nd of June 2009. Winner will be notified on Sunday. Good luck ;)
dude, have u got urself a partner yet? i dunno the answers, but then i know manhand..i have man-looking hands u know :)
so can i come with u?
by the way, you've been tagged in my blog :D
TBG: If no one sends in the entry, then I'll call you ;)
one of the local group that, luve their songs`
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