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Friday, July 22, 2011

Manhand - Life Goes On & On

Manhand 最新的专辑也是他们第三张已经上架了。等了两年,终于等到了。上个周末我在甲同一间CD铺里买到"Life Goes On & On"。在我不停的重复地听了又听,以下是我对里面几首歌还有专辑的看法。

Manhand latest album, which is their 3rd album after two years since their 2nd album is now out in store. I've waited quite a long time for this album to be out. Last week, I found their latest album "Life Goes On & On" in a local CD shop in Kepong Baru. After listening this album repeatedly for a few days. Here are some of my thought about the songs and the album as a whole.

Life Goes On

我觉得”Life Goes On”就好像“漫游世界”的延续。用的是轻松的旋律,讲的是用轻松的态度看人生。不同的是粤语换成了华语。

I think “Life Goes On” is like a continuance of “Man Yao Sai Kai” (Roaming the World). Free and relaxing rhythm and a message “to take life with easy going attitude”. The different is “Life Goes On” is in Mandarin instead of Manhand’s normal Cantonese songs.

老朋友 (Old Friend)


“Lou Peng Yao” (Old Fried) is a very Manhand style canto-rap song. It takes me back to when I first listen to “Maan Hang” (Walk Slowly) from their debut album “Manhand”.

继续Latido (Latido Continued)

Alex San 在"继续Latido"的Casanova 的arrangement,彭学斌的词还有Von磁性的声音让这DJ Point所作的曲更有生命。再延续”Latido”成功的秘诀。

The Casanova style arrangement in "Latido Continued" by experienced Malaysian musician Alex San, the lyrics written by Peng Xue Pin, Von's magnetic voice makes the song composed by DJ Point much more vibrant. Continuing the success secret recipe of "Latido".


LaLuLa可以说是个很欢喜还有很搞怪的一首歌。在歌里可以看到DJ Point mixing的功力。CrossOver版本找来马来西亚的Khuro Shiro来合作。

Lalula is a very fun and funky song. In this song we can see the mixing skill of DJ Point put into good use. They work with Khuro Shiro from Malaysia the CrossOver version. Check out the video of Manhand singing Laluna live in Asian Music Festival 2011.

空杯子 (Empty Glass)

Manhand 的新歌“空杯子”让我想起陈奕迅的"Last Order"。就很舒服的旋律,好像坐在一间Jazz Bar喝着一杯Chardonnay听着台上歌手在唱着“空杯子”或"Last Order"。是一首很适合在睡前拿来relax听的歌。专辑里除了原版还收入了Manhand和郑可唯和盈盈Crossover的版本。两个版本都各有各的feel。

Manhand's latest song, "Empty Glass" reminds me of Eason Chan's "Last Order". A very relaxing rythem, just like sitting in a Jazz Bar sipping a glass of Chardonnay listening to the singer singing "Empty Glass" or "Last Order". This song is very suitable to listen to relax oneself before going to sleep. In the album, besides the original version, there's also a CrossOver version done with Tay Ke Wei and Ying Ying.

调理脑部 (Tune Your Brain)

这是一首有些像heavy metal和hip hop音乐的一首歌。我喜欢Manhand用了谐音来唱出不可能出现在他们专辑的‘粗口’(这只是我个人的猜泽)。“调理脑部”是一首拿来发泄的歌。有什么不爽就可以听听来发泄,塞车的时候听就最适合。

Tune Your Brain is a bit like heavy metal style with hip hop. I like the way Manhand play with the tone of the Chinese to be able to in vulgarity into this song indirectly (this is just my own opinion). Those that know how to read Chinese will know what I mean. This is one song that I found is to let off steam. If you are stress or unhappy, this is a very good song to shout it out. I think it works very well when I am stuck in a traffic jam.

总结 (Summary)

可以看到在Manhand的第三张专辑,曲风比较宽,华语歌比例多了(是有进入中国和台湾市场的意思?),还有几个根日本,香港,台湾,新加坡还有马来西亚的音乐人作的CrossOver. 可以听到是一张很有诚意的专辑。其他我没有写到的歌曲也是很值得去听的,只是我有写到那几首是我特别喜欢而已。

The music range in Manhand’s 3rd album is much broader. The ratio of Mandarin songs is more if compared with the previous two albums (plan to go into China and Taiwan market?). There are also 4 tracks where they did crossover with musician from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia. This is an album made with heart and the best yet from Manhand. Other songs that I didn’t write here are worth listening to too, it’s just that the songs that I wrote in this review are my favourites.

Rating: 5/5


Huai Bin said...

Manhand was here for T-Fest too right? I like their music, not bad at all. Haven't heard this new one though. :)

Simon Seow said...

HB: T-fest. Yah, I think so. You should listen to the songs in their new album. It's very good based on my taste.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Simon! ThaNks keep supporting ManHanD.
