Happy New Year! Wow, time flies. It's already 2010. 2009 was just like yesterday. Er..yes it was lol. Well, jokes aside. The celebration has not ended yet. Why? It's because Christmas has 24 days so there's still celebration for Christmas. What better way to celebrate 24 days of Christmas than to have small gathering with food and booze. Booze of course, non other than Carlsberg.
On the first day of Christmas, we drink a lot of Carlsberg.
On the boxing day, we drank some Carlsberg.
On the third day of Christmas, we again toast with Carlsberg.
On the fourth day of Christmas, we keep it a limit because have to work.
On the fifth day of Christmas, we let our liver rest until the 7th day.
7th Day of Christmas is the New Year's Eve, where we all celebrated with Carlsberg again.
8th Day of Christmas still have thirst for Carlsberg.
On the 9th Day we're out of Carlsberg at home.
So from 10th Day till the 24th Day we all still can celebrate.
It doesn't stop there.
Coming this 14th February is Chinese New Year which coincidentally is also Valentine's Day. Double celebration, double the booze ;)
I still remember when I was just a kid, when my grandfather is still alive, he'll buy a lot of snacks and dozens and dozens of beer, especially Carlsberg. My grandfather will have a lot of relatives and friends visiting him during Chinese New Year so the preparation is a must.

This tradition goes on with my father after my grandfather passed away. He himself whom is an avid beer drinker also has a lot of friends that like to drink Carlsberg too. So, a week or two before Chinese New Year, in my house there will be dozens of canned Carlsberg stocked up in the store room.
This year, is the year of Tiger. According to my Bazi, this year is quite lucky for me. Red and green is good for me and Carlsberg is green. So, I'll keep on with my family tradition, I'll stock up some Carlsberg in the house to serve visiting friends and relatives. There's also free angpow envelope. Chinese New Year is a just a month away, so I better stock up fast, if not the supermarket will be packed with last minute shoppers.
"Oh no, there's no more mandarin orange (symbolizes gold). Don't worry I bought a lot of liquid gold." Carlsberg Nice One.
Picture from Eat First Think Later. (Thanks Teckiee :p)
Here again I like to wish all of you Happy New Year and an early Gong Xi Fa Cai. By the way, I went to countdown in IOI Boulevard during New Year's Eve. There's free flow of Carlsberg and a lot of free food. Nice One. I'll post about it soon.
happy new year n nice to meet u ;-)
ROFL.. u sure love your C!
Nice to meet you. Yoga.
Yes. I love beer and $$ too lol. ;)
Happy New Year to you! Don't over drank ya... LOL!
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