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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Nasi Lemak Paru Near My Office

Usually after finishing work at night shift, I'll pack some food from outside to bring home to eat. Finishing work in the morning, of course the food that can be find is breakfast kind of food. There's a nasi lemak stall just outside HP Tower by the corner of the road side that opens for operation from 7.30 am onwards. I think by 9 am most of the dishes will be sold out.

You can choose from chicken curry, kerang, telur goreng, daging (beef) and of course my favourite of them all, paru lembu (cow lungs). Yeah, for those of you non adventurous type will say, eww.. cow lungs also you eat. Maybe you haven't read about the McWorm yet.

So, as usual I went to the stall operated by a pak cik and ordered,"Nasi Paru satu." He'll then start to roll the wax paper into a cone shape and filled it will coconut rice, add in the condiments such as ikan bilis, cucumber, 1/4 of hard boiled egg, and when he reaches the sambal, he'll ask,"Sambal boleh?" Just to make sure that you can take hot and spicy sambal before he put it in. I of course will answer back, "Boleh." Last but not least is of course the paru lembu. It is diced and cooked with sambal. A bit sweet in taste and there's this taste that you'll only find in paru lembu that I can't describe, which I like. Also the texture of the paru is very chewy. I can finish a bowl filled with paru cooked in this way. Another way I like it is fried paru.

There were two office ladies queuing behind me. Pak cik asked them what main dish they want, they point to the container which contains paru lembu, I think it's because they saw me take it as well. One of the OL then ask me what is paru. I then answered,"Oh, it's cow lungs" Just as soon as I blurted out the answer, the OL quickly cancel the order of paru and change to daging instead. I heard "Eww.." coming out from her. Sigh, they don't know what they are missing.

I paid RM 2.30 for my packet of nasi lemak paru and went to get my car. It used to be only RM 2.20 but with the current prise rise of rice and most food, I think the 10 cents price rise is reasonable.

My breakfast which only cost RM 2.30

Paru lembu (cow lungs) cooked with sambal. Gross meh? Where got gross? It's so delicious.

Rating: 3.5/5


At the road curb when turning into HP Tower. Only opens during weekdays from 7.30 am to about 9 am.

HP Towers

Block B, Ground Floor,
No. 12 Jalan Gelenggang,
Bukit Damansara,
50490 Kuala Lumpur,

Google Map


Anonymous said...

Hehe, I can imagine the look on the OL's face when you explained what "paru" is... Who ask them just simply point, ikut and order?

Moral of the story: Don't simply follow the leader. (Else you might end up munching something you don't desire, haha.)

Hwei Ming said...

yo... I'm from the health sector.. cow lungs are bad for health too!!


Hanis Zalikha said...

My favourite food is NASI LEMAK SAMBAL PARU GJHTRUIFJBN IJDGBJK NU. WAAAAAAAAH I HATE YOU FOR MAKING ME WASTE WHAT IM HAVING RIGHT NOW (BUBUR AYAM MD) AND CRAVING FOR NASI LEMAK PARU. Bukit Damansara.. why are you so far away from meeeeee. Imma ask my mom to cook for me tomoro. I hope. I wish.

Anonymous said...

cow lungs? not sure if i've eaten before. i usually prefer the perut part

Christine said...

Hi.. U work near HP Tower??

Anonymous said...

Oh man...
Nasi Lemak~~~
Nasssiiiii Lemaaakkkk~~~~~
I want one!!!

LianneK said...

Here you go .. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sorry lah, me not a fan too ;-p

ling239 said...

looks like beef cubes leh...
hahahaaaa... pretend to be eating beef lor for those wanted to try but not comfortable with the word "cow lung" :p

Simon Seow said...

kenny mah: ya, you're damn right

hwei ming: shaddap

hanis: ask your mum to cook for me too :P

baby: perut I eat when eating beef noodles.

christine: no, i work in HP Tower. why you ask?

3.8: go buy

ling: cow lungs is nothing, I want to try bull penis.

Anonymous said...

Serious u makan paru? I baca your entry ni pun air liur i dah rasa meleleh2..