I'm not thanking you Monica for this tag.
For the instructions, add your name on the list and simply spell out your name using the given Japanese letter- translations below. Tag six of your friends and inform them of the tag. Have fun.
A - ka | F - lu | K - me | P - no | U - do | Z - zi |
B - tu | G - ji | L - ta | Q - ke | V - ru | |
C - mi | H - ri | M - rin | R - shi | W - mei | |
D - te | I - ki | N - to | S - ari | X - na | |
E - ku | J - zu | O - mo | T - chi | Y - fu |
1. OSWALD - moarimeikatate (sounds like america and states. har…. har… har…)
2. CHLOE - Miritamoku — Um…think I still prefer my given name, ha ha
3. GENG – Jikutoji — Actually, I think its cute sounding. Arigato gozaimasu!
4. CONSTANCE - Mimoto arichi katomiku — WOW! Does it sound like an authentic Japanese cuisine? YIKES! I broke it up cos it was quite a mouthful!
5. DORA - Temoshika – Sounds pretty good huh?! Does it mean beautiful woman?
6. Sting - Arichi Kitoji - Sounds like a guy's name but at least it rhymes! LOL!!
7. Amidrin - Karinki Teshikito (I was deciding between Karinki Teshikito or Karinkites Hikito. LOL... still the english name sounds much better.)
8. Osindak - Moari Kitotekame (I sound very Japanese! LOL)
9. Monica - Rinmotokimika (lol, it sounds so funny)
10. Simon - Arikirinmoto (OMG, sounds like Aji no moto)
I'm going to tag Mrs Forest, Ringo, FA, Holly, Sue, and Joshua.
erm.. sounds weird woh i remember last time one of my mixed japanese friend told me another name of my japanese name.. sounds different =.=
Wahrao.. Nice name. But a bit too long ler..
mine is AriDoKu..sounds guy-ish...lol..
ur name is really funny!
vickie: that chart is just a made up, it's not the real thing. If my name was to translate to Japanese, it will be Saimon.
Rose: It's just for fun.
sue: kekeke
pop: ya, like ajinomoto.
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