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Monday, June 23, 2008

Plagiarism On the Net

My colleague Mike who's just started blogging a month back today showed me a link to a post. This post is exactly a copy and paste of his post about the fuel price hike.

His original post here. The copycat can be so lazy until that he copied it word by word and even the picture is loaded from Mike's hosting server. I know la Internet is free and all that but I think there's also copyright involve. It does not means when we put something on the Internet it can be copy and paste and used by someone as their own work.

Here's the print screen from the copycat's blog. I don't want to link him and gives him traffic. Click to enlarge the print screen and you can see my mouse over the picture is loading from Mike's blog domain.

Mike got to know about this post when he suddenly got a high bandwidth loading these pictures. Already copy word by word, picture bandwidth also want to takes people's. Found out that he is registered with Nuffnang and Adverlets.

Should Nuffnang disqualified this kind of copycat blogger? Boss what your say in this?

Updates: According to Mike and I checked it myself too, copy cat already removed the copied post.


samantha said...

really copy bulat bulat wan woorrr..
i think nuffnang should disqualified this bugger.
not honest earning.

3POINT8 said...

If mines can make it big, why can't copycat bloggers make it big?

Then again, I guess most of us honest original bloggers hate copycats.

eiling lim said...

I think nuffnang shouldn't be paying the copycat either.

andersonchong said...

omg?shame on him,copy really bulat bulat.think all blogger should add watermark etc to keep their rights.

Anonymous said...

this is terrible man. taking someone else's work and putting it up as though it's his own work without giving credit to the author. must be a real lazy ass.

Anonymous said...

you're quite stupid dont you realise? by showing a screenshot showing his url, he will get traffic too :)

Anonymous said...

Can sue or not? Heehee...

blurryhunniee said...

Jahanam itu budak!! Ban him!!

Simon Seow said...

samantha: ya lah, don't even want to edit.

3.8: yupe, want to write use la own brain. That's why I'm so frustrated and write this post.

eiling: have to see what's Nuffnang stand on this, we can't do anything. But if my friend wants, we have enough evidence to sue the copycat.

anderson: watermark or no watermark, plagiarism is plagiarism.

simon: yeah, and want to put up ads to make money wtf.

anonymous: you calling yourself stupid is it? I didn't give him the direct link, if my readers want to check out his blog they can feel free to check it out. I leave a choice to them. If I don't show the link, who knows who the fuck I'm writing about?

etcmommy: technically yes, but this is not a very big deal to waste money to hire lawyer.

blurryhunniee: lol. see la, even if Nuffnang ban him there's still Adverlets.

Harry Kho aka Krawx said...

mampus dia!!

haha.. well.. he should be disqualified..

most importantly, he didnt credit the original author at all which makes me pissed off..

at least credit the original author or link to the author's original blog wat..

i guess ur friend should talk to him personally about this, he can rename the photo source as well if he ought to exterminate this guy though.

that's the best i can think of though..

Anonymous said...

Phooey! I hate plagiarisers, so lazy... and linking his pictures, what cheek! Can Mike block the pictures from being loaded from his server?

KY said...

are you feeling lucky or disappointed that it is not your blog? :P

Darrenmagic said...

Maybe he's having the exactly same thoughts but find it lazy to type out everything.
Ha i'm kidding.
Plagiarism is definitely a wrong thing.
Say-no to copycating!

Cometh said...

I understand how your friend must have felt.

Grrr. Copycats....Grrr...

Not once but twice I have experience it before.


"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

oh well, i dun think there r is proper law/rules to catch him..

only positive thing is to take it as a compliment that his material is worth copying lor..unlucky

Lynn said...

*zut zut zut*
He must be the worst copycat blogger in history.

Anonymous said...

I hate copycats, but what can we do? I don't think it is possible for us to do anything - at least, the furthest we can go is to blog it out to let others know.

But how many people are actually going to see this? In the first place, there's no copyright laws on blog entries?

Well I not sure about that. But putting myself in your friend's shoe, I feel for him. It's damn sick to see people copying his post.

Anyway, Good luck!

Simon Seow said...

harry: well it all depends what's he going to do, maybe not worth the hassle at all. Just only that the bandwidth went up. If over limit have to pay for extra bandwidth wei.

julian: he can but it will be troublesome when he want to edit post.

ky: how you know I felt dissapointed. sigh. bloody hell you KY. -__-

darren: yupe, say not to copy cat.

cometh: damn tulan right.

joe: actually there is if we really want to make it into a big issue.

lynn: i'll say the laziest.

wen bin: you are wrong about copyright law, our work is copyrighted when we typed out the first word. Doesn't matter what's the publish medium is, as long as you can prove that the post is your original work, you can sue the copy cat for copyright infringement.

Unknown said...

wow, why would a blogger do such? so un-pro if really done like that.

blurryhunniee said...

Arrgghh.... they should all ban that copycat! He shouldn't be getting anything out of his blog. This is so not right! Never in my life would I visit his blog!

I support you. Why that anonymous calls you stupid. Hehe. That's the way to let people know who the copycat is without actually saying it out :P

Simon Seow said...

quachee: some ppl just want to sit there and copy other's ppl's hard work.

blurryhunniee: lol, you're so right. Updates is that the copy cat removed the copied post already. Yes. I helped my friend to beat plagiarism.

Johnny Ong said...

the anonymous commenter cld be the said copycat

Anonymous said...

wow.. now THAT's new!
Hmm...perhaps I shud copy ur blog =x

Sharon Q. said...

Some 1 or 2 pieces of interesting photos are alright, but I think blog post should be all about originality, own grammer & vocab.

If the blogger is to do so, might as well put a link to the other blog or cite the source of info.

hmmm...there are always plenty trying to prey for inspiration, some leading to copycats.

So bad for taking credits of others' honorable works.

Simon Seow said...

johnny: could be, or could be ppl that support copy cat.

ione: why copy mine? yours is good mah.

sharon: yeah, originality rocks.

BublaKong said...

lmao....tat person is really lame.

Anonymous said...

Disappointed pula. Haha. Cannot understand why one has to be a bulat-bulat copycat... @.@

Anonymous said...

Damn i hate copy cats.. they just want to use the easy way out to earn from ads.

Anonymous said...

Glad that the copycat FINALLY removed it. He got warnings from Advertising Companies?

Anonymous said...

I can really sympathy you my dear Simon... KY is right to say that you are disappointed and so we can hear you complaint a lot about your friend's case here...

What to do... your blog is not famous and your content is lousy, for sure nobody will copy and paste your posting lah...

If given chance or perhaps you pay some money to the copycat I also not sure they are willing to plagiarise your content or not...

For sure lah, if they simply post your content on their blog, later all their traffic runaway will be a serious nightmare then!!!

Simon Seow said...

lydia: yeah lame and vain.

huey: I can't explain too.

vkeong: yeah, sigh, what to do, copy cat is everywhere.

Rose: I'm not sure. I think not. Still got face meh to put the post after this post hit Innit No.1.

Victor: Thanks for the traffic. By the way, KY didn't say I'm dissapointed. He always joke like that in comment. If you think my post is lousy, you can don't come to my blog at all. I've got a few hundreds other readers that think my post is good enough for them to come here to read. As I put there, flamers are always welcome.

backStreetGluttons said...

normally ppl dun copy all like that ! unless its an extraordinary difficult.excellent post which need to be copied !

something long here ?