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Friday, March 13, 2009

I’m a Musicon Celebrity thanks to Maxis Broadband

Ah, another party from Nuffnang brought to you by Maxis Broadband. The last one, Nuffnang Wild Live Blogging party was a blast. This one it's about music icon hence the word Musicon Celebrity.

Well, I don't have a picture of me impersonating a celebrity but I have a video impersonating Rihanna.

If I am a celebrity. I will like to be able to drive a Ferrari like Jay Chou, and get worshipped by May Zhee lol. Of course, I have to stay in presidental suite and will be served caviar and champagne.



May Zhee worshipping me.

Well, back to reality, I am not a celebrity but in Nuffnang Music Bash '09, I'll be able to dress up as one and walk the red carpet. So, it's time for Rocks On! and prepare for one of the most anticipated party of the year. Let's the fun begins.


Anonymous said...

hope to see you there again! :)

Anonymous said...

Not fair.. why always in KL de wor?? T__T

Anonymous said...

i was there lol but didnt see u

Anonymous said...

fail rihanna.

Ciki said...

cnt w8 2c which celeb u dress up as.. lol.. caviar looks like something i wanna eat all by myself. cannot share:P

Sean Lon said...

haha. Sixthseal done this b4 but i think yr choreography is better ..
nice compt, i oso joinin hehe.

Simon Seow said...

vvens: nope, won't be able to go for this one, got a dinner appointment.

ahlost: because KL got the most bloggers?

Edison: you mean wild live blogging?

debra: lol, ya, I have not talent impersonating her.

cumi: i'll be going as Harajuku instead ahem..

Sean: good luck to you.

eiling lim said...

All the best to you!

Zoe Yve said...

The embarrassment! LOL

Simon Seow said...

Ei Ling: thanks

Missyve: nah, I don't fell embarass at all lol

vvens: guess I'll be going after all. sigh, the decision to make.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA wahhhh *sallute* So brave to dance at the pavillion bridge?

Sam Vun said...

Love your dance video. Where was that filmed?